The Birth Myth…


Hi I’m Hayley!

I’m a mother to 3 beautiful humans, radical birth coach, Hypnobirthing teacher and advocate for women’s birthing rights. And I LOVE giving birth…

In saying that, of course I am far from meaning that birth is not crazy hard work, intense, messy and raw, but I am wholly dedicated to dispelling the myth and cultural conditioning that birth is inherently scary, dangerous and an emergency.

It’s my highest calling to guide other women to their absolute innate birthing strength and power that we all have. Sadly, the narrative we’ve been fed is that we don’t have it AND that our bodies don’t belong to us!

My Journey towards working with women started off after I birthed my second son at home having previously taken a Hypnobirthing course with my partner.  I was actually the ‘what if’ woman regarding homebirth. However after watching a gorgeous birth video I realised that there was a big difference between my planned birth and hers… environment! It suddenly seemed so obvious how huge a difference this was and there was no going back! I knew immediately in my bones that birth is a normal natural physiological process NOT a medical event and I would not consent to having my births treated in any other way.

After this birth (a beautiful waterbirth) I was astounded by the level of euphoria, joy and trust I could have in my own body. I wanted to shout from the roof tops and share this powerful ‘secret’ with every woman I met.

I have since trained as a Hypnobirthing teacher and coached countless women who have actualised their power after gaining the tools and education that I offer and its so beautiful to witness.

My third birth at home was uninterrupted, peaceful and led to a restorative postpartum period. I really believe that this initiated the most rewarding motherbaby bond that I have with my youngest and strengthened our breastfeeding journey.

With this birth, I placed my focus and energy on the magical details that every woman should have the first time round; such as catching my baby with my own hands, consciously birthing my placenta and having time and space to honour it, and being totally respected and held in my postpartum wishes.

These are not ‘if you’re lucky’ add-ons to birth… this IS autonomous homebirth in all its glory.

I now specialise in homebirth and mentor independent women who wish to birth in their full authority in the comfort and safety of their own environment, with a team they feel supported and respected by.

I believe that when a woman feels held and revered through her birth and postpartum experience it truly lays the foundations for the best start in motherhood. Nourishing, caring for and holding space for women is one of my superpowers and I LOVE it. I feel so lucky and honoured to be a part of it every time. Thank you for being here!




A bit more about who I am;

I trained as a Hypnobirthing Instructor in 2016 with KG Hypnobirthing. However, I used The Calm Birth Method hypnobirthing technique to birth my second two babies and so transitioned to teaching TCBS method in 2018. My biggest transformation as a birth coach has been a 12 week Radical Birth Keeper program with The Freebirth Society, where my mentors Emilee Saldaya and Yolande Clark-Norris taught me all there is to know about women truly birthing in their full authority. This has been an extensive life changing training program covering FULL birth education and Conscious Leadership coaching tools which are now invaluable to how I approach working with clients in my full integrity; fully serving the woman and no one else.

What Women Are Saying

Hayley taught me so much about a subject I thought I was already an expert on: myself!


I was able to feel confident and secure about how my body would do it’s thing and how to completely trust it through Hayley’s teachings.



After the course I felt so excited to give birth! I was able to address my fears and focus on the birth of my dreams


I really thought there would have been more support from the system postnatally, so I was so happy to have Hayley there to support and rally around for us


Clarity Call

Book in a free clarity call with me now to see chat through your next steps!